Stage Star Horse

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Stage Star is ranked #4 on the comprehensive list of horses to follow in 2024.

The exciting thoroughbred racehorse was foaled on 18th April 2016 and trained by P F Nicholls.

The Stage Star horse profile provides the full history, stats, historic results, breeding, latest news, and upcoming entries.

Stage Star Future Entries

Here are all of Stage Star’s future entries.

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“No table found” means Stage Star currently has no confirmed declarations.

Stage Star Horse Racing Form

Here are all the recent Stage Star finishing positions.

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Stage Star Facts

  • Age: 7 (Foaled June 5th, 2016)
  • Sex: Bay Gelding
  • Sire: Fame And Glory
  • Dam: Sparky May
  • Trainer: P F Nicholls
  • Owner: Owners Group 044

Career So Far

Stage Star has won the following races:

We can’t wait to see what further races he can win.


Stage Star

Here are all the horse profiles in alphabetical order.